Website Privacy Statement

A Welcome from the Principal

A Chairde,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the website of Scoil Chroí Ró Naofa, which, I hope, will provide you with a flavour of our school in Ballymurn. We are a rural co-educational primary school, under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Ferns. We cater for boys and girls from Junior Infants to 6th Class, and are very proud to have established our Crescent Class, which caters for pupils with autism.

Here in Scoil Chroí Ró Naofa, we believe that every pupil is unique, and that it is our task to enable them to reach their full potential as an individual whilst also encouraging them to respect the differences of others in the community. In line with our mission statement, we constantly strive for excellence in learning and teaching by providing a rich and diverse curriculum that caters for the needs of each individual. Our children also enjoy many extra-curricular activities and school events that take place throughout the year.

As Principal, I am thrilled to be leading the school forward, building on the tremendous achievements of its past. I am also privileged to work with a staff that is highly professional, and whose commitment underpins the warmth and vitality of this great school. We are greatly supported by our Board of Management and our Parents Association, as well as members of the local community.

In addition to exploring this website, you can follow us on our Facebook page, ‘Ballymurn Nationalschool’, where you will be able to see what we are getting up to on a day to day basis, and develop a sense of life in our school.

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Emer O’Gorman


School Mission Statement

Scoil Chroí Ró Naofa is a Catholic primary school and, in this context, is committed to the fullest possible development of the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and physical aspects of the growing child. We aim to provide a safe and happy environment for learning for our children, to foster in them a culture of tolerance and respect for diversity in others and to encourage their growth into happy, healthy, considerate and valuable members of society. We recognise and welcome all the partners in education in this process.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday ————————–9.20am – 3.00pm
Junior & Senior Infants ——————9.20am- 2.00pm


 Your Child’s Safety on School Premises
Monday to Friday —————- 9.10am to 3.00pm
Infants (Junior & Senior) ——— 9.10am to 2.00pm
Outside of these times there is no supervision for children on the school premises

Scoil Chroí Ró Naofa
Co Wexford
Roll No: 05070W

Tel: (053) 91 38435/77663
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